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Well, hello there
![]() welcome to my food blog. my name is mia. i'm a 28 year old food obsessed indonesian (jakarta born and raised, woot woot) who's been living (happily) in brooklyn, new york, for the past (almost) ten years. i am not a chef, nor a culinary writer. but i know what i love (read:food) and i'm here to share the love.
Old, but not stale.
Other hungry blogs
Monday, March 30, 2009, 9:59 PM
of meat and marys
So I went to a birthday party Saturday night and had a few too many beers (do you know that a Jameson and a beer cost fifteen bucks at a dive in the LES? Yeah, neither do I! GRRR!) (Guess I'm spoiled by Brooklyn, where a drink costs nothing more than a fiver and a smile).After a few hours of fun, falling asleep on the train, missing my stop and ending up a stop from Coney Island, I went home and passed the heellss out. I woke up a few hours later, hungry and hungover. Lucky me, it was Sunday, and Sunday means BRUNCH! I took a five minute shower, tried very hard (but failed) to look like a human being, and dragged my butt to Boerum Hill, where my friends Logan and Alex were waiting (impatiently) in front of this place: ![]() Apartment 138 is a restaurant/bar/lounge on the Smith Street strip of Boerum Hill/ Cobble Hill/ Carroll Gardens area of Brooklyn. I really don't know. No one really knows where one neighborhood begins and one ends, so Here's the outside: (PS: It was cloudy that day and for some reason all my outside shots turn blue, how sexy) ![]() 138 has really good brunch deals: ![]() For 12 bucks, you get a complimentary muffin, a brunch entree, a coffee (I think, I don't really drink coffee so who knows), and dudes either a Bloody Mary, a Mimosa, or a good ol' can of PBR. Here's what it looks like inside: (Spot Logan and Alex pretending to be into what each other is saying) ![]() Here are the beers on tap (because ya'll lushes, I know it): ![]() Speaking of lushes: ![]() That's my biffle, miss Logan. Or as I like to call her, Pooper. By the way, she's cute as button, and super hip. Seriously, I condemn excessive shopping habits, but if you got style like she does, shop away! It's a delight to the eyes! Check out her ring: ![]() It's a beaut! I can never pull that off. I'd look like some weird Asian gangsta chick. My momma would not approve. But on her? Gorgeous. She got it from her (also hip and talented) friend, Sam. I can't remember her Etsy site, so Logan, please leave it on the comments section will ya? Speaking of weird Asian gangsta chick: ![]() That's Alex. He's actually Russian. That's why my camera blurred when I took his picture. He's too damn pale. Regardless of his (lack of) skin color, I love him. I'm cool like that. Man, will you look at that, the muffin has landed: ![]() ![]() It's such a nice touch. Almost every time I go to brunch, I'm already starving by the time I walk in a place. Thank you 138, it's very thoughtful of you. Speaking of thoughtfulness, or whatever, who cares, my Bloody Mary is here: ![]() I was all, duuuuude. And Logan was all, is it good. I was all, DUUUUDE, and Logan was all, me tooo. So we all got Bloody Mary's and lived happily ever after. Except for Alex, because for some reason he wasn't drinking anythin but water! So weird. So we then ordered our food, which you will see very shortly. But before I go about showing you my brunch porn, I have a bone to pick. You see what I did there? Porn, bone? Okay I'm being naughty. Forgive me Jesus. My friends, I am deathly allergic to avocado. Just a teeny tiny nothingness of a bite would cause my throat to close up, hence losing my ability to breathe and also, BAM hives city! OOoh. Not fun. The thing is, I LOOOOVE avocados. I'm from Indonesia! I grew up eating that yummy creamy fruit. Is it fruit? Or vegetable? Definitely fruit. But a few years ago, all of a sudden the gods frowned upon me and BOOM I'm allergic. It's really effed up. Anyways, I get very sad and jealous when people around me are eating, or even talking about, avocados! My super super good friends Logan and Alex know this. And they love me, so of course they did this: ![]() WHAT THE HELL doods???? Bastards! Grr.. So they ate and ate and ate that delicious platter of chips and oh I don't know, GUACAMOLE! *cries* I used to love guacamole. All I can do was take a million pictures of it, because I was missing it so. ![]() I even took some sexy, blurry, porny, close-ups: ![]() oooohh baby.. ![]() It was painful, I tell you. Kinda like running into an ex boyfriend who told you oh I don't know I love you so much how can I live without you and then oh wait I can bye bye Mia have a nice life, and he still looks so good but he's making out with that chick who you just know can't possibly be any cooler than you what the hell.. Oh I'm sorry, I don't know what happened there. Damn you avocados! Thank god those heffers finally finished: ![]() And thank god I was smart enough to have another Bloody Mary. Who cares about damn avocados! Alex ordered an egg white omelet (he's healthy like that) with a giant side of bacon (he's healthy like that): ![]() Logan and I couldn't decide between a burger or a steak sandwich, so we got both and split them. Here's the steak sammy: ![]() And here's the burger: Oh, can I just say that I love this shot? It makes me feel like a real food photog. Are you ready? Okay, okay! Jeez.. ![]() For every eight hundred pictures I take, one comes out a-ma-zing. After the whole splitting of the meat sandwiches, here's my entree: ![]() I know, it's wrong just looking at it. I hope you guys didn't give up meat for lent, because I'm about to hit you with this one: ![]() The meat was SO juicy and tender, and super tasty. Good amount of melty cheese and the whole thing was in between one of those fancy rolls that are crispy on the outside and nice and soft in the inside. I mean, how else can you describe a good burger? You know what I'm talking about. It was good, good, good. Kinda like running into an ex boyfriend who told you oh I don't know I love you so much how can I live without you and then oh wait I can bye bye have a nice life, and then he looks just terrible and when he sees you you're having a great hair day and not looking hobo-like at all and oh I don't know you're dating George Clooney. Yes, that good. The steak sandwich? Meh. I can live without it. It was a little bland and had serious self-esteem issues to the burger. Logan didn't even eat hers. (I ended up eating her half, but it's because I eat everything. No, really.) (Yes, I had a half of a giant burger and a whole steak sandwich all by myself. Please don't judge me.) Here's a picture of the fries: ![]() They were so good. There were definitely some good spice action on them fries, but I couldn't tell what they are. Maybe I was just hallucinating from the meat-high. And baby, oh baby, the burger also came with a salad: ![]() It was so delicious. Their house vinaigrette was so tasty. I ate Logan's salad, because she doesn't eat her veggies, bad girl. And also because I have turned into THE HUMAN VACUUM at this point. Here she is not eating her vegetables: ![]() Oh right, Alex was still there. I forgot about him. He said his omelet was good. He did a decent job: ![]() At this point I was really in a meat-coma. They were having a conversation about something probably not important at all: ![]() ![]() And I was in another planet, planet made of meat most definitely, staring at this pretty, so pretty wallpaper: ![]() The end. Rating: ![]() Here's their website. | |